This is one such story; the story of a dog named Hachiko who died while waiting for his master at a railway station in Tokyo, Japan.
The legend has it that Hachiko waited for his master, a professor at the University of Tokyo, every day at the Shibuya train station.
When the professor died, Hachiko, an Akita, returned to the station every day to wait in vain for his master, and did so until he himself died in 1935.
Touched by Hachiko's love and faith for his master, the people of Tokyo put up a statue at the station.
Now a Hollywood film has been released which tells the tale: Hachi: A Dog's Story, which is based on a popular Japanese film made in 1987. The film has already been premiered in the USA at the Seattle International Film Festival and is slated for an August release in Japan.
Talking about the film, star Richard Gere said the dog was is the real hero of the film and he was the co-star!
Twisting the plot a little bit, the makers have set the movie in a train station at Rhode Island in America.
Hachiko’s story is long-cherished in Japan and this movie is yet another befitting tribute to the wonder dog.