DOGGY-PADDLING pets can make a splash in aid of charity. A canine swimathon is being held in Malvern, Great Britain, in aid of the Support Dogs charity.
The swim is at the town's canine hydrotherapy pool on June 20. It is being organised by Kate Arnett, who is disabled. She has a 'canine buddy' called Ernie who has been trained to help her, including doing jobs around the house. The money raised will go towards training similar dogs.
Kate estimates about 35 dogs will take part in the event. Ernie is something of an expert swimmer; he uses the pool regularly to take a break from his caring duties.
The event will include stalls and games, pet supplies, cakes, crafts and refreshments. The Malvern Hills District Brass Band will be entertaining visitors.
Dogs need to be registered prior to the event and dog owners can book a place by calling Kate on 01684 592145.
Kate is also appealling for unwanted old mobile phones to raise money for the Support Dogs charity. People can take them along on the day of the swimathon.
Dogs need to be registered prior to the event and dog owners can book a place by calling Kate on 01684 592145.
Kate is also appealling for unwanted old mobile phones to raise money for the Support Dogs charity. People can take them along on the day of the swimathon.
Support Dogs is a UK registered charity that trains dogs to support people with epilepsy and various disabilities. It costs around £10,000 to train and support each dog.
The dogs are trained to help owners with specific disabilities and can help them lead more independent lives.
The dogs are trained to help owners with specific disabilities and can help them lead more independent lives.