A DOG pound near Mumbai, India, was used to caring for mistreated and sick dogs but when six months ago staff spotted a donkey lying injured by the roadside with her foal looking forlorn by her side, they decided they couldn't leave the pair to die.
They loaded them into a van and carried them back to the dog centre where they have been caring for them ever since.
Donkey and foal, named Dhingru and Shingru, have now become a fixture at the dog pound and have been adopted by the staff.
It took a little while for the pair to become accepted, especially little Shingru. While his mother was being treated by a veterinarian, the dogs would bark at him and frighten him.
But the dogs gradually got used to him.
Supervisor Krishna said: "Now, he plays quite happily with his canine friends and they, too, love him. Not only that, unlike normal donkeys whose diet is vegetarian, our little Shingru enjoys all the dog meals consisting of chicken, milk, bread, pulses and rice."
His mother, named Dhingru, prefers to rest quietly in a corner or stare pensively at her new huge family.